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When it comes to Automatic Transmissions it is hard to determine an “average” operating life; this is highly dependent on the make, model, and the stresses, which its user(s) puts it through. However, we do know that most modern automatic transmissions, with regular service and appropriate fluid levels, coupled with reasonable driving techniques are the best way to ensure that your automatic transmission lasts as long as it can.

If you have ever driven a car with an automatic transmission, then you know that there are two big differences between an automatic transmission and a manual transmission: There is no clutch pedal in an automatic transmission car. There is no gear shift in an automatic transmission car. Once you put the transmission into drive, everything else is automatic. Just like that of a manual transmission, the automatic transmission’s primary job is to allow the engine to operate in its narrow range of speeds while providing a wide range of output speeds. Without a transmission, cars would be limited to one gear ratio, and that ratio would have to be selected to allow the car to travel at the desired top speed. If you wanted a top speed of 80 mph, then the gear ratio would be similar to third gear in most manual transmission cars.

You’ve probably never tried driving a manual transmission car using only third gear. If you did, you’d quickly find out that you had almost no acceleration when starting out, and at high speeds, the engine would be screaming along near the red-line. A car like this would wear out very quickly and would be nearly undriveable. So the transmission uses gears to make more effective use of the engine’s torque, and to keep the engine operating at an appropriate speed.

Fact: What’s the average lifetime replacement cost? Answer: $2750.00-$5500.00

Disclaimer Information: The above listed information is based on the average vehicle on the road today is 11.7 years; experiencing sever weather climate, and extreme driving conditions and driving habits. This is the opinion of Total Car Care Guaranteed For Life, Inc and you should always refer to your vehicle owner manual. Price estimation includes parts and labor cost to replace original replacement part.

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